Here's more about our Type reports, and samples for you to download.

Your Best Source for Jungian-Based Personality Type Reports

At Polaris Associates, Inc. you will find some of the best personality interpretive reports around that are:

  1. Comprehensive

  2. Strengths based

  3. Balanced

  4. Accurate

  5. Written for work environments (although they are popular with churches, therapists, marriage and family counselors, too)

  6. Easily accessible across your devices

  7. Cost effective

  8. Private branded to your organization

Originally sold as two different software programs, we are now migrating both programs to the web. This allows us to continue to more easily update the reports and add new features based on your feedback. 

Who has used our interpretive reports? Major universities, hospitals, government organizations, corporations, and personality type certified professionals from around the globe.

They are time-tested with a 100% moneyback guarantee (which we've never had to refund, by the way).


  • Easy entering client and Type info

  • Email document to clients

  • Customized reports with the person's name, company, Type scores

  • Database to keep track of all your work

  • Search by person's name, Type, or report

  • Selection of customizable cover pages with your contact info

  • Flexibility-- include only the sections that you need

  • Cost effective

Reports include:

  1. Four-five page narrative description w/ optional Temperament info

  2. Contributions To An Organization bullet points

  3. Leadership Style bullet points

  4. Communication Style bullet points

  5. Problem solving Style bullet points

  6. Learning Style bullet points

  7. Team Style bullet points

  8. Stress Style bullet points

  9. Motivators & Demotivators bullet points

  10. Opportunities For Growth bullet points

In addition to the above, to get the discussion ball rolling, our One-To-One reports also include:

  • Suggestions for working together bullet points

  • Suggestions for communicating together bullet points

Your Type Individual Report

Generate a report for a single individual.

Just type in the person's name, organization, Type, and scores. Decide which parts of the report you want to include. Push the button, save the file to your drive, and email the report when you are ready.



One-to-One Comparison Report

Eventually, with some computer programming mojo, we will make our 1:2:1 reports available. Generate a report for two individuals. This comes in very handy when doing peer-to-peer coaching, supervisor-to-employee coaching, or any relationship counseling. The report is generated so that one person's Type is on the left side of the page, and the second person's Type is on the right side of the page. This makes both reports easy to compare and contrast. This is perfect for paired coaching and counseling feedback sessions.